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Unsigned stories
with Apple Europe

Working with Moving Brands, third years from the BA in Advertising and Brand Design at Ravensbourne used Apple products to create visual stories about unsigned recording artists. Outcomes from the project were exhibited at ONE Hanover Street, the headquarters of the global tech brand.

After the successful placement of Ravensbourne’s first Creative Intern at Apple Europe, discussions began about using an internal exhibition space at their headquarters to showcase work created using various Apple products. To this end, we created ‘Unsigned Stories’ a brief which challenged our third years to connect with unsigned recording artists and create a collective visual narrative. To inspire the student’s creativity, Moving Brands chaired workshops and professional creatives working within the music industry such as Sunil Pawar, Rude, Dines and Steve Stacey delivered portfolio talks. Apple provided the tech, hosted a Ravensbourne dedicated ‘Today at Apple’ workshop sessions at their Covent Garden Store and Pravin Dewdhory from their Creative team chaired 1-1 mentoring sessions..


As the project evolved we began to realise something very special was happening. The students were not only learning to create exciting visual communication but we're also building a range of vital complementary skills. From researching networks, initiating conversations, building trust, sustaining relationships and negotiating a brief, they were developing expertise that will provide a vital foundation for future creative work. In addition, the outcomes created formed a very contemporary slant on what advertising and branding might constitute creatively. These included vibrant stop motion animations for ‘drum n bass’ DJ Psyc-o, an A.R experience with 3D installations for Slovakian Idol contestant Samuel Tomecik and a ‘dubplate’ vinyl record for DJ Dan and Out.


After the completion of the project, the Creative team at Apple worked with the students to curate an exciting multimedia edit of their work which was exhibited at ONE Hanover Street. The work on display within the gallery represented the tip of an iceberg of valuable learning experiences and was very much a small taste of what the students have got from the platform that Apple provided.


View Ravensbourne Article

Download Dots Project

View The Catalogue 

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